“Hold fast the form of sound words which you have heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 1:13.)
The church designed and built of heaven was never meant to be an envoy of compromising diplomats, but rather an army of battle-ready Christian soldiers. The spirit of compromise may be integral to the success of a culturally-based social gospel, but it has no place masquerading behind the bold banner of New Testament Christianity.
We have neither right nor reason to compromise the gospel. As it is, this good news message is complete, perfect, and packed with the very power of heaven. (2 Peter 1:3; James 1:25; Romans 1:16.) Commuting or altering the gospel in any way renders it incomplete, imperfect, and void of its inherent power to save. No one has authority to speak where God has not spoken, make allowances which God has not made, or disregard portions of God’s word in order to satisfy the fickle whims of the worldly-minded. He who musters the audacity to preach “another gospel” does so at his own spiritual peril. (Galatians 1:8,9.)
When convictions are at stake, the spirit of compromise is nothing but the spirit of cowardice, a characteristic unbecoming a soldier of the cross.