At the Midtown Church of CHRIST, we're always excited to welcome new visitors. We sincerely hope you'll join us for services or Bible classes! And please hang around after the service and let us welcome you personally. We'd love to get to know you so you're a familiar face the next time you visit!
We are a group of Christians striving to do what God commands us to do in His book, the Bible. In Matthew 16 of the New Testament, Christ Jesus tells His apostles that He would “build His church.” Not many churches, but one church… singular. In Ephesians 5 we are told, “…Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.” One head, Jesus Christ, and one body, Christ’s church.
In Acts 2, the Bible tells of the beginning of Christ's church on the day of Pentecost, a Sunday in about 33 A.D. We know that if we as an organization are called what that first century church was called, are organized the same as it was organized, worship the way it worshiped, perform the same work it performed, and teach what it taught, we can be that same church and as such rightly be called the body of Christ… the church of Christ.
As part of the New Testament church of Christ, we have no human creeds, man-made articles of faith, or earthly headquarters to dictate doctrine to us. And also as in the New Testament church, we are an autonomous congregation with the New Testament as our authoritative guide and final authority. An old restoration motto expresses our intent, "to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where it is silent." We are making every effort to hold true to that.
Again, we would love for you to attend any of our classes or services!