What would you call someone living in a world made by God, basking in abundant blessings provided by God, but still, despite abundant evidence for God’s existence, denying there is a God.
Would you call that person a cynic? a skeptic?
The Bible uses language a bit stronger. Psalms 14:1 reads, “The fool has said within his heart, There is no God.”
In fact, the unbeliever denies that which even the devil’s angels admit to. According to James 2:19, “The demons also believe, and tremble.”
Belief in the God of heaven is simple – and so very logical. Faith is the only answer to life’s riddle that makes any sense. Consider the vastness of our universe, the intricate balance and design of life, the majestic wonders of the world about us. Are we to conclude that all of this came by some freakish accident of nature – nature which at the beginning had not itself begun?
Simple objectivity insists we look above, and within, and then confess, “He that built all things is God” (Hebrews 2:4); or in the words of Daniel of old, “There is a God in heaven.” (Daniel 2:28.)
The truth of the matter is stated succinctly in the Bible’s first book, first chapter, and first verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”